The with us. a bad trick Every day this machine called the body makes us face different challenges and learn the unknown but that is where the comfort zone intervenes generating that feeling of fulfillment in which we feel completely satisfied with what we have thus losing great opportunities when we are At a very young age we looked like a sponge we experienced everything unknown as we grew our parents unconsciously or consciously began to limit things so that we would not go through what they experienced at that time but unintentionally and in accordance with what was mentioned in the article were killing our creativity and part of our childhood.
I believe that we still have time to generate a program that will activate our creativity again involving physical activity which is essential in all fields meditating to reach the connection USA Phone Number List between body mind and spirit being in constant evaluation writing everything lived and that we can improve listen to instrumental music that allows us to stimulate our neural part not be afraid of the new and finally put aside so many taboos that society and religion have imposed on us that make us prejudice ourselves.
Generating one does not believe in their attitudes and aptitudes. August AMReply From the moment you are born creativity is very broad but with the passage of time if the brain is not exercised the chances of the ability to think becoming weak are high which is why as adults you always try to do what you couldnt do as a child. and it is playing with creativity and developing abilities that very few have a good knowledge of with this the importance of innovating and empowering the brain from children to becoming adults and the need to make changes in life with enough exercises. healthy as is swimming and being constantly hydrated as it helps the brain.